Prachi Borkar (B.E ) is a Certified EFT (EMOTIONAL FREEDOM THERAPY) PRACTITIONER and CONSULTANT . She is also a Healer, Personality development trainer and Oneness Blessing Giver. She firmly believes that every person is born unique and her vision & mission is to to Empower each and every individual to fulfill their DREAMZZ and ASPIRATIONS in all phases of life and to add value,contentment and happiness in their lives by giving them deeper,powerful insights and breakthroughs through Mind - Body Healing therapies and helping them to raise their Consciousness towards their journey of self realization. She realized her own potential when she had undergone EFT TRAINING in 2010 and she healed many aspects of her life and was successful in bringing a drastic SHIFT in all areas of her life specially relationship and health issues. This was the turning point of her life which motivated and encouraged her to help others to HEAL their lives. For more than three years now, she has been practicing, teaching & training individuals to Break-thru their obstacles, fear & limitations. She not only imparts EFT training to those who seek it but also offers them healing, guidance, life-skills, emotional knowledge, introspective awareness and much more. With her unique diagnostic abilities she has helped people to improve their relationships, health, career, etc and has bought an accelerated shift in their lives.

Alpha Meditation for Confidence Building


                                                    ALPHA MEDITATION
Alpha Meditation will help you reprogram your subconscious mind and help you to boost your CONCENTRATION,MEMORY POWER,CONFIDENCE.

It will also help you release the fear of exam or of particular subject,stress,anxiety,tension of the day to day pressure you experience because of your studies and exams.......Listen to the track just before you sit for studies everyday atleast for 21 days .

Because your subconscious mind needs atleast 21 days to reprogram anything that you want to make a reality in your life.

1)Relax your body (From head to toe)

Start from your head by saying that “My Head is getting Relaxed”, “My face is getting Relaxed “ Say this to each and every part of the body
Also relax by saying “My head is completely relaxed””My face is completely relaxed “”I am completely relaxed now”

2)Remember any two happy memories and successful memories of your life
Feel that happiness, success, confidence as if it is happening right now.

3)Imagine golden rays of light are entering your head and golden liquid is going in each and every part of the body and it is making you completely positive, peaceful and confident. It is giving you all that confidence you want in your life.

Imagine and feel whatever you want to achieve you have already achieved it.
Feel as if it has already happened(most imp FEEL IT)

4)Thank god, parents, higher intelligence for giving you this gift.
Thank yourself for all the efforts you had put in and for all the good deeds you had done in your life.
Express gratitude to your own self for whatever you are.
Appreciate yourself for all the good things that god has gifted you with .

5)Say to yourself mentally “I love and accept myself as I am “I am perfect the way I am ,when god doesn't judge me why should I judge myself” “I have the unlimited power to create what I want in my life”. “I am a MAGICIAN”. “I CAN CREATE MY OWN DESTINY”.


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